Messiah's goal is to nurture disciples in their love of God and others. Sunday  School is a vital part of Christian education. Through study of God's Word we come to know of God's love, grace and the wonderful gift of salvation. We pray that the lessons learned in Sunday School will help create a strong, lasting, and always growing faith.  

The Sunday School term kicks off with Rally Day in September and runs through May the following Spring, classes for every age are offered!  

Children age 2-Grade 6 
Begin with Opening where they sing songs and, collect offering, discuss the theme for the year and end with prayer. Then they go to their grade level classrooms for an hour of fun and learning about the Bible.  

7th and 8th graders 
Meet on a Sunday morning during the educational hour for Confirmation. Their studies include the Old Testament, New Testament, and Luther's Catechism.  

High Schoolers
Meet in the Youth Lounge. Bible studies and life discussions take place. 

Join us on Sunday mornings (Sept – May) from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. in the sanctuary to discuss wide-ranging and interesting topics, books and relevant current events.